Ours is the most desirable place to live in the entire world. As such, real estate isn’t cheap. True, there are people saying that the issues are going to resolve themselves and the market will readjust, but frankly, there’s just no way we can know that for certain.
Vancouver is running out of space. Twenty-plus story buildings are creeping up Main street into Mount Pleasant, Kits is developing at a rate that is sure to hinder some people’s views of downtown, and whatever was downtown that didn’t have a high-rise on it soon will. The fact of the matter is that people want to live here and they’re willing to pay to do it. In fact, people in Vancouver spend, on average, 75% of their income on housing. That is 10% higher than the next highest city, Toronto. We believe our real estate is a good investment. And why wouldn’t we? They’re not making any more Vancouver and it really is the most beautiful place in the world.
The market might not adjust. People in Vancouver are willing to live in smaller houses simply for the chance to live here and the rest of the world will have to follow the trend in the very near future. The world’s population is supposed to reach seven billion people on October 31st 2011 and we have to start becoming more sustainable with the way we live. Vancouver’s real estate market is doing it for us.
The one card we do have to play, however, in the Vancouver mortgage game, is competition. Unlike some other industries that are essentially cartels in Canada, there is lots of competition for your mortgage. You probably already know this, but I make them fight for it. In the end, you come out the victor with the best possible mortgage rate on the market.